The fungus on the toes of the feet – as well as a problem, disturbing to many people. The itching, burning, and a good appearance of the skin and nails – it is just a very small part of it. The disease is dangerous the complications that you cure, it is even more difficult. However, to deal with the problem, it can lead to a serious treatment of a fungal infection (mycosis).

For that to occur is the fungus on your feet?
Fungus – this is one of the main types of infectious agents that affect the general characteristics. It is difficult to place and it is extremely sturdy and the micro-organisms. Therefore, it is a disease, fungal diseases requires a serious and integrated approach to the treatment.
The mushrooms are her favorite habitat is in the skin. First of all, it is the skin of the fingers, toes, and nails. The reason for that is clear is that the feet are usually inside shoes, which can accumulate large amount of moisture and dirt, and it's also very hot. Therefore, the fungus that is living under my feet, and a lot of food, and a favourable micro-climate for breeding. Some of the types of the complexes of the fungi, most commonly affecting the skin, certain types of fungi, for example yeast, and mold, prefer to be in the nail plate. It is also possible to simultaneous infection by several species of fungi.
Contribute to the development of the fungus on the toes of the feet:
- the reduction of local and general immunity;
- in the absence of a free-stop;
- problem, and tight shoes;
- the transient change in the type of socks or stocking;
- stockings or tights, synthetic, is not unaware of the air of the materials.
- a regular of the forum, or heat build-up in the ft.
- circulatory disorders of the legs;
- varicose veins;
- chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes mellitus;
- in the long term, the treatment is antibiotics;
- increased sweating of the feet.
- lack the body of vitamins and mineral elements;
- mechanical damage to the skin of the corn, to the injury of the one-stop;
- the excess of weight, excess physical stress on the feet.
- the transitional cut of the nails of the feet.
The important of such factors, reduces the immunity and poor circulation in the legs. The decrease of the immunity can occur due to a variety of reasons. Normally, this is a serious chronic disease, after all, for the infectious diseases. You can also lower the immunity, the HIV, the ingestion of immunosuppressive drugs, when the patient of the disease. Of no less importance, and poor circulation in the toes of the feet, due to disease of the blood vessels in the blood, diabetes, or smoking.
Plants, stop, can develop in both men and women. In adults, they appear much more frequently than in children.
Some of the types of molds that are constantly living on the skin and are activated when, and only when, the circumstances, such as, for example, the fungi species of Candida. As with other types, they are passed on from one person to another. The infection can occur when you visit a gym, a sauna, a bathroom with a shower, and if the person doesn't like people's shoes. Also, and significantly, the risk of having to exhibit to people, the portals to someone's shoes, or socks, or for other people to use them. Often, the infection occurs when you use the same towel, and centers-of-staff, and the t. d. of the Factors that increase the likelihood of infection in the cuts on the surface of the skin, and the deformation of feettof evye cards.
The symptoms of mycosis toes
The main symptoms of ringworm feet – as well as the itching and burning sensation. It may also occur, redness of the skin, minor blistering, strengthen the skin and to the surface of the skin, the smell unpleasant. The first symptoms of ringworm of the skin can also be mistaken for a simple irritation.
The symptoms of onichamicose
The fungus can affect not only your skin but nails. The last type of ringworm is named onychomycosis. The main symptom of onichamicose – to modify the structure and the type of employment, the greater their position of power. The yellow nail on the surface they appear grooves and cracks, nail plate, thickening, and deformed. If you don't do the treatment, the toenail will gradually in the policies of the nail bed and break off.
As it looks like a fungus on the toe photo
You shouldn't put yourself in the diagnosis independently, and through the pictures. The diagnosis must be qualified by a dermatologist.
He alone is capable of detecting a type of a fungus. To do so, it may be necessary to not only be an external examination of the foot, but in the laboratory analysis of skin scrapings from the.

However, in the presence of a signal, to at least remotely similar to what is depicted in the photos – it is a matter of concern, and treatment by a physician.
For the treatment of a complex disease, and it is made in-house under the supervision of a medical doctor.
The fungus that is on his pinky
The fungus may attack the skin of any finger of the foot. But it is of little toes on the leg more vulnerable to hiv infection. The little toe, close shoes, it is often compacted, resulting in your skin to appear upset, and has stopped the circulation of the blood. When the removal of the nail of the little finger, the disease develops very rapidly, more rapidly than at any other pin. The infection for the little finger infection is very fast, so you can play and the other fingers.
The fungus pinky on his leg treated, as well as the fungus in other areas of the skin. When onychomycosis of the nail of the little finger, is the most rational, the output of which can be the removal of your nail plate. This is an operation which does not lead to a major inconvenience for the patient, because of the fingernail on your pinky to rapidly grow. However, as long as the nail does not otpactet again (it may take 3 to 4 months), you should use antifungal agents for the prevention of re-infection.
The only way to get the fungus in your toes?
The treatment for ringworm should commence as soon as the first symptoms of the disorder. First of all, you should consult with a dermatologist for a diagnosis. Before you start the treatment, you will need to install is the fact that in the presence of the ringworm and the type of pathogen. To this end, the doctor will take a scraping of the skin, or cut off a piece of a fingernail (when it at the hands of the nail). Submit to a blood test, the blood sugar. Plants to stop the skin, it is necessary to differentiate from:
- diseases of the skin;
- allergic reactions;
- dErmatozov caused by diabetes, heart disease, stress, and diseases of the nervous system.
For the therapy of ringworm on the legs, are most frequently used in local media (sprays, ointments, lotions). Only in severe cases, a doctor may prescribe anti-fungal tablets. The most frequently used tablets fluconazole with itraconazole, terbinafine.
The treatment is based on the use of antimicrobial of the funds. This is a type of drug that contains a substance that is murdered in the mushrooms (fungaldnye or OStyavlyalsya to your playlist.
It also applies to the local preparations with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and KeratOlitnical properties. Antibacterials that are assigned to them, in this case, if there is suppuration, or with a fungal infection, joint infection. The Anti-inflammatory properties as well deal with the unpleasant symptoms of itching and burning. However, they do not affect the root cause of disease – borne pathogens. The KeratOlitMATIC include zinc, acids, alkalis, sulfuric acid, and the blocks of the sulfur-sal salicylic acid topical ointments. They speed up the regeneration of skin tissue by accelerating the exfoliation of the victim's skin.
For the therapy of mycoses to stop, can also be applied in baths with antiseptic, half – sludge, permanganate of potash, iodine, salt, sodium bicarbonate, boric acid. Baths, the best thing you can do before going to bed, for about 20 minutes. To prevent the infestation of spores, you need to deal with areas of healthy skin, chlorhexidine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate. Therapy onichamicose used, good luck with antEmikotnical substances. These coatings should be made in the nail plate.
Topical ointments and creams that must be done during the pre-small radishes, washed and cleaned the skin with the frequency that is specified in the instruction for the tool to work. The scope of application of the ointment should be slightly larger than the visible area of the loss. For application on nail plate varnish in the nail should be resparitü, jagged edges you sanded off the nail file, and grease on the surface of the nail and special mortar.
In folk medicine, for the liberation of ringworm on the legs, they are used in the mixtures of medicinal herbs – chamomile, marigold, sage, st. john's wort, mint), the solution of the vinegar, the onion, and the juice of a lemon.
What do you do if fungus on the finger does not matter?
The treatment for ringworm – a process that is long and hard. Micro-organisms-fungi are very tenacious, and for a couple of days to get rid of them is impossible. At times, it can take many months of careful treatment. When you do this, you can not stop the therapy even for a day. For the treatment of onichamicose may not terminate until it is no otpactet a new, healthy nail plate.

It is important to also consider the other factors associated with the development of the disease. Non-compliance with hygiene of the skin, and to maintain the temperature in the stop mode can be reduced to zero, all of your efforts, too. This means that you should be on a regular basis to clean the surface of the skin, to stop, to prevent them from overheating or hypothermia. It is also important to avoid any mechanical damage to the skin, and the excessive load on the foot from cuts and injuries. Excess weight increases the pressure on the feet, so if you're full, it's worth thinking about ways of losing weight.
If the patient is constantly being that is infected with a fungus in shoes, it is not going to help all of them powerful medicines, because it the place of the micro-organisms, dead, immediately will cover with new ones. Therefore, you should get rid of all of the factors that can contribute to re-infection. You can't walk in a pair of shoes, then the socks. The socks will need to be carefully washed on a regular basis. The inner surface of the footwear, it should be thoroughly sprayed antgribkovi the media.
Resistant avium is a need to look at the general state of your health. Maybe this will help you to determine the cause of the violation of the immunity and the circulation in my feet. Therefore, it is possible to, it is worthwhile to go for a scan and to prevent any problems with the heart, blood, blood vessels, organs of the endocrine system.
Finally, it is also possible that the microbes have just developed a resistance to the used antmicrobiome easily. So, it may be necessary to change the drug. It is possible, it will be necessary for the system to anti-microbial drugs, in diet pills. The dosage of the drug you should choose an expert doctor.